What is Home Automation ? and Why we choose it ?

What is Home Automation ? and Why we choose it ?

 Hello guys👋 today we will talk about one of the most recent terms which is Home Automation, but before we start  let’s know why this terminology have been created.

  With the high rate of technology development after the discovery of the electricity and the semiconductors, whoes make a new revolution in the industrial world, the human need for energy have been continuously growing, in addition the demographic factor (world population) and the environment preserving factor has been taken the lead in the influence of the energy market, electrical energy comes a crucial point in our daily life same as water.

Why Home Automation?

 With the development of the technology, the human need of energy have been extremely involved , today people needs to air conditioning and heating and cooling system ,CCTV system and with the fuel shifting we have the appearance of electrical home appliances , and more .

  a new way of life is being made it by all this technological achievement, but due to the huge demand of energy, the cost of the electricity becomes extremely expensive, especially for buildings company and hotels, which let engineer and experts think about a solution for this involving challenge.

 The solution is a new concept called BMS (Building Management System) with this concept, the term of Home Automation is Coming, in order to respond to all energy need respect to energy efficiency, power consumption

With home automation, we build a system that all devices are interconnected via a communication protocol in order to make specific tasks and interact with each other, like turn off all the room light if no motion is in the room for 15 min, turn off the air conditioning system if the temperature is under to  22C◦, or dimming up and down the light regardless to the luminosity of the outside etc. all these tasks playing crucial role in reducing the power consumption without influence the comfort or the functionality of the system, by this simple action the system can economize about 20% in electricity bills.

 Not just that home automation comes in order to offer comfort, security and a fully remoted control system with various ways like app from phone or laptop, voice control and more. 

Smart home system
Smart Home System Control Panel Via Laptop

In the next section we will discover the main functions of the home automation like Security, comfort and power saving.

What are the main functions of the home automation?

Home automation focus on 3 main functions in the smart home system which are comfort, security and power saving.

Comfort :

starting by  comfort this function is very important in every building because it’s the responsible to make peoples satisfied and feel enjoyed and relaxed, we find in this function:

Smart lighting : this is one of the main devices in smart home system , smart lighting offer to you the ability to control the light state (On, Off) and dimming up and down via mobile app  for anywhere in the world or voice command with Alexa ,google home and other voice assistant device, in addition to the state control you can also scheduling the lights to turn On and Off in specific time in the day , week and also in the month , like turn On the light at 7 Pm every day from Sunday to Thursday for 30min in order to wakeup  .

 In addition to all these amazing things another incredible option takes their place which is Scenes this one is the very strong one because it let the light interact with other devices in order to make specific scene (Scenario) like: turn on the light when the home door opened, or turn off all the room lights if no motion is in, or if there is a music there change the rhythm of light (party scene) and so on.

Smart Lighting

HVAC: is the acronym for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system is the critical function in the most smart house and building because it responsible for the local temperature (comfort) and also the power consumption (high consumption devices) so we should choose carefully these devices , in all time these devices work with a smart thermostats which responsible to turn on and off these devices (air conditioner, heating system) in order to keep the temperature in the border (± 1.5 C) of set value and save power .

Home Appliance: on of point that make the home automation so exciting that you could make coffee in bed, start breakfast while jogging, or do the dishes and laundry while you relax? with smart home appliance you can do all that, you need just to Connect and set up your Wi-Fi-enabled appliances via your mobile phone or tablet to access a range of advanced device features, scheduling operations, and partner services with inspiring smart home ideas.

Smart Home Appliance

Security :

Now is time to talk about security, this function who let people feel safe and secure in their daily life home automation have really focused in this point and make it a big job in this point we find to type of home security in the smart home system:

Exterior security: against thieving by smart camera that include motion sensor and video recorder, alarm inside and infrared view not just that you can now speak with the person in camera (two way speaker) , we have also smart alarm system which interact with any motion around the home and notify you by message, phone call ,recording video  and more, we find also smart doorbell in this section

Interior security: in this section we find all things that refers to the home security against fire, gas, water leakage and baby setting, we have Smart cameras, smoke detector gas detector and dry switch motion sensor etc.

CCTV system

Power Saving :

Finally, we arrived to the power saving this function is obtained by the right combination between the devices and the exploitation of Scenes option that make all devices of the system interacted with each other to optimize the power consumption and economize the electricity bills , that is with turn off light when no motion is there or dimming down light when the sun light is , switching On and Off HVAC system according to set values , turn off a group of devices (secondary ) when a power consumption rate is reached example turn off air conditioning system or plugin or some home appliance when the power consumption is 3Kwh .

Power Saving

All these fabulous functions and devices of home automation are making the life easy and let people enjoyed their experience with smart home system by offering for them security comfort and power saving.

these devices work with different communication protocols like WIFI ,Zwave ,Zigbee and RF and other .

  in the next post we will tell you more about all of these protocols, compare between them, and choose the best one for the smart home system, so keep waiting for more exciting blog in home automation 😎 .

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